Teaching at FiberSpace 2016


3752 Jean Aycock & Wendy Schrag

One of my favorite past times is teaching – whether it’s spinning, knitting, dyeing, or other crafts.  Sharing information and techniques just makes me happy, and if you can’t tell from the above photo, I get a little excited about it.

IMG_20160116_120145FiberSpace is a great program run by the sisters at Heartland Farm, and I’ve been lucky enough to be invited as a teacher this year. In addition to helping a couple of new spinners along, I did a short dyeing demo to introduce the workshop participants to the concepts of hand dyeing.  We kettle dyed with kool-aid, hand painted a skein with food colors, and looked at a whole lot of naturally dyed samples.


IMG_20160116_173237Besides the fun and camaraderie of fellow fiber folks, the other great thing about FiberSpace is the chance to hang out with the Heartland Farm alpacas.  They’re such curious, fascinating critters – I never get tired of watching them goof around.